February 1st is the feast of St Brigid, one of Ireland’s three patron saints, along with Patrick and Colmcille. It marks the first day of Spring in the northern hemisphere.
Born in Dundalk in 450 AD, St Brigid ‘s father was a pagan Irish chieftain and her mother was a Christian.
Brigid’s contemporary, St Patrick, inspired her to deepen her faith and spread the word of God.
She was born at a time of major transition in 5th century Ireland. She embodies in herself the pre-Christian Celtic and Christian Celtic spirit.
It is generally accepted that she built her unique double monastery for men and women in Kildare around 470AD. Some scholars credit Brigid with pioneering monastic life in Ireland. Her monastery was acclaimed as a centre of education, pilgrimage, worship and hospitality until the 16th century when all the monasteries were suppressed.
Her charity was unbounded and sprang from a deep awareness of the Divine presence in everyone and everything. This awareness allowed her to respond with insight, creativity, humour and compassion to the many situations that confronted her.
Click here to watch a 45 minute video on this remarkable woman: www.newpilgrimpath.ie.