Atlantic Associations of Spiritual Exercises Apostolate

The Prince Edward Island Local of Spiritual Directors

The Island Spiritual Directors are members of a world-wide association of lay, clergy, and religious who have been trained to accompany and support others in their faith journey.

Members of the PEI local of Spiritual Directors are accredited members of the Atlantic Association of Spiritual Exercises Apostolate (AASEA) whose governing council is in communication with the Atlantic Conference of Catholic Bishops. The Atlantic region has more than a 35 year history of organized service in this apostolate.

At the Diocesan level, we offer:

  • guidance to individuals and groups in deepening their personal prayer lives
  • guidance through the experience of the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius
  • days of reflection and formation using Scripture as the foundational basis for prayer-meditation
  • silent directed retreats, based on a spirituality of contemplation/meditation programs

This latter ministry can be a 3, 4, 5 or 7 day retreat lived out at the parish level with daily meetings between the Spiritual Director and the person participating in the retreat. The benefits of this kind of retreat, besides growth in personal holiness, are:

  1. an introduction to methods of spiritual contemplation/meditation,
  2. a deepening  familiarity of praying with scripture,
  3. an enhancing first encounter with a retreat experience,
  4. an affordable undertaking, with the assistance of spiritual guidance with prayer sessions according to personal schedules

Atlantic Association of Spiritual Exercises Apostolate – Mission Statement


As an association of men and women, we are a pilgrim people participating in the mission of Jesus Christ, being formed in Ignatian Spirituality as a way of life, we are concerned with the support and on-going formation of our members and of those we accompany on their life journey to God.

To this end we commit ourselves:

  • to deepen our relationship with Jesus Christ in our daily life
  • to prayerful attentiveness to the signs of the times
  • to individual and communal discernment
  • to develop formation processes so that our members might prepare for, deepen and adapt the Ignatian Exercises to the spiritual hunger and varying needs of individuals and groups in the Atlantic area
  • to promote an increase of lay involvement and leadership in the Mission of our Association
  • to promote the gifts we have to offer the local Church