Secular Order of Discalced Carmelites OCDS

(Community of Saints Louie and Zelie Martin)

Secular Carmelites are a family of lay and religious men and women, sons and daughters of Our Lady of Mount Carmel and St Teresa of Jesus (Avila), called to a deeper spiritual life, who share the same charism, each according to our particular state in life. It is one family with the same spiritual possessions and same call to holiness who strive to live evangelical perfection in the spirit of the evangelical counsels of chastity, poverty, obedience and of the beatitudes. They live what is described as a “fidelity to contemplative prayer with the spirit of detachment it entails”.

Our Commitments and Obligations include:

  • Attendance at Mass, daily if possible and frequently avail the Sacrament of Reconciliation .
  • Daily recitation of Morning and Evening prayers from Liturgy of the Hours
  • Spend 30 minutes each day in practice of mental prayer.
  • Practice daily devotion to Mary our Blessed Mother and wear a brown scapular.
  • Attend monthly meeting to receive initial and ongoing Teresian Carmelite formation primarily from the writings of St. Teresa of Avila, St. John of the Cross, St Therese of Lisieux, St. Elizabeth of the Trinity, St Teresa Benedicta of the Cross etc.
  • Fasting on vigils of solemnities and of major Carmelite feasts.

For more information please contact the following :

President: Monique Perry. Cell #902-315-0528 or email:


Director of Formation: Bobbie Sue Cheeseman. Cell# 902-961-2145 or email: