Regnum Christi

Date Established: 1995 (in P.E.I.)


Regnum Christi is a movement of apostolate at the service of the Universal and Local Church. It shares the charism of the religious congregation of the Legionaries of Christ. It is made up of young people and adults, deacons and diocesan priests, whose goal is to experience Christ’s love, respond to it, and spread it to others. They do this through the witness of their Christian lives and apostolic action, which can be both personal and organized, in cooperation with their bishops and parish priests. The Holy See granted the definitive approval of the Statutes of Regnum Christi on November 26, 2004.


The Regnum Christi Movement proposes a Christian way of life.  It presents itself as one way among many to respond to God's invitation to live the faith of the Church in an integral, dynamic and enthusiastic way. The way of life it offers is one of faithful adherence to Christ and his Church. Our Mission: To Know, Live, and Make Christ's Love Known. The Movement is open to all the Catholic faithful without exception, men and women, youth and adults, of whatever state of life and social condition. (Regnum Christi Handbook)


Regnum Christi has over 70,000 youth, and adult men and women members throughout the world. Among them, there are about 1000 consecrated members. Regnum Christi is an ecclesial movement indivisibly united to the congregation of the Legionaries of Christ. The Legion of Christ and Regnum Christ have a general directorship based in Rome and 11 “territories” (provinces) worldwide. Individual members form part of Regnum Christi teams and sections in their city or region.  PEI members belong to the Maritimes Section of Regnum Christi.


On PEI we have a total of 14 adult members (8 women and 6 men)


National Catholic Register and Faith and Family Magazine (North America)