3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time, January 26, 2025 First Reading – Nehemiah 8.2-4a, 5-6, 8-10 Gospel – Luke 1.1-4; 4.14-21
My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
It is a great joy and privilege for me to be with you today as we reflect on God’s Word and celebrate the Eucharist.
I am grateful to Fr. Peter Le who comes once a year and supports you, and to Father Peter Wojakiewicz, the pastor of this parish, for making this church available to us and welcoming us.
I want to thank you for your deep commitment to the Catholic faith and for the sacrifices you have made to establish your lives here in this new country. Your journey has not been easy, but like the people of Israel in today’s first reading from the Book of Nehemiah, you have shown remarkable resilience and trust in God.
The story of Nehemiah and Ezra reminds us of a people who, after years of hardship and exile, returned home to rebuild their lives and faith. They had lost much—homes, traditions, even their connection to God—but with the help of their leaders, they came together to renew their commitment to God’s Word and to rebuild their community. When they heard the Law of God proclaimed once again, they were filled with emotion—some wept, and others rejoiced. Their story is a beautiful reminder that, even after difficulties, God offers new beginnings and never forgets us.
Your journey reflects their story in many ways. You left your homeland, endured challenges, and faced uncertainty as you built a new life here. Yet, you remained faithful.
You worked hard, supported one another, and nurtured your faith, passing it on to your children’s faith, devotions, values and morals.
Your presence here today is a testimony to God’s grace and your perseverance. Just as the people of Israel found strength in God’s Word, so too, must we continue to find our strength and joy in Him.
In today’s Gospel, Jesus proclaims the fulfillment of God’s promises, declaring the “year of the Lord’s favour.” This powerful reminder that God’s love and mercy are always present in our lives reminds us that this year, as we celebrate the Jubilee Year, is a year of God’s favour for us to renew our faith, give thanks for His blessings, and deepen our commitment to our community and the Church.
I invite you to participate in the Diocesan events planned for this Jubilee Year. These events are opportunities to come together as one diocesan family, celebrate our faith, and be strengthened by sacraments. Your presence, faith, and witness are a great blessing to the Church, and please know we are here to support you in your faith journey.
Let us continue to be a people of hope, trusting that God, who has brought us this far, will continue to lead us. May we always find joy in His Word, strength in our faith, and support in our community.
May God bless you all abundantly.
Most Rev. Joseph Dabrowski, CSMA
Bishop of Charlottetown
~Jesu Confido in Te~