Father Eddie Cormier and Scott Smith in the Dominican Republic, enjoying the warm sun, meeting many people, and celebrating Sacraments.
Scott sent in these pictures:
It is the same Mass all around the world
Beautiful Child Candidate for Baptism
Fr. Eddie Blessing the Baptismal Water
Professing The Creed: “This is the Faith of the Church”
Do you want to have your child baptized into the faith we’ve just professed?
I Baptize You . . .
In Canada or the Dominican Republic you have to have relatives taking pictures or it doesn’t count..
Father, Mother & Daughter
Picture with the Priest
The whole family
Scott holds the Child
Child not too sure about Scott’s experience in baby holding.
From the Church to the Party
Beach side Gathering
Fr. Eddie’s Birthday so He gets the first portion of the cake
Scott & Fr. Eddie
Beach side
February isn’t cold everywhere
I’m 39
Laugh and Enjoy
It’s good to have friends
People will welcome you into their homes and lives
Fr. Eddie sent in these notes:
Flooding took place in many areas of the country, destroying crops and roads, and forcing many families to leave their homes, losing much of their belongings.
The people of the Dominican Republic reacted strongly against the corruption scandal of the construction company Odebrecht that have increased the cost of building roads, bridges, etc up to 20% to pay bribes to politicians and other officials.