Diocesan Communiqué – January 28,  2025

January 28, 2025

The CWL Area Meeting West will be at St. Paul’s in Summerside on Saturday, February 15th from 9:30 am until 2:00 pm.  Lunch will be a sharing table. Guest speakers are Sr. Sue Kidd Church teaching – end of life care  and Provincial Vice President Cheryl Boom on Membership. We hope to see as many members there as possible.  

The CWL Area Meeting East will be at St. Dunstan’s Basilica on Saturday, March 1st from 9:30 am until 2:00 pm. Lunch will be a sharing table. Guest Speakers: Sr. Rosemary MacDonald Church teaching – end of life care and Provincial Vice President Cheryl Boom on Membership. We hope to see as many members there as possible.  

World Day of Prayer for Consecrated Life – February 2, 2025: In our diocese, we have been blessed with religious communities who have dedicated their lives in ministry, prayer and community to the Church and have been part of our diocese for over 150 years. Did you know that we currently have nine religious communities in our diocese? Three women’s religious orders and eight priests from six different congregations and religious orders serve in our diocesan parishes. This year, in a spirit of gratitude for their presence, ministry, and apostolate in the diocese, Bishop Joseph wishes to acknowledge that commitment during a Diocesan Celebration of Consecrated Life on Saturday, February 1, 2025, at Holy Redeemer Church at 4 pm. Everyone is welcome to come, meet our consecrated men and women, and express gratitude to them for their fidelity, service and dedicated witness to the Gospel.

Heart-of-The-Matter Marriage Prep Course will be offered on two occasions this spring: March 21/22 and May 30/31. If you are getting married in the Catholic Church, you will need to attend a marriage preparation course. Please reach out for details to Pat at patricia.wiedemer@outlook.com  or call or text 902-393-6047.  The courses run from Friday evening and all-day Saturday and are held in St Francis Parish in Cornwall. Registration is required.

Theology on Tap

The UPEI Department of Religious Studies is proud to present the return of the popular Theology on Tap series!   Join us at 7:00 PM on February 3rd at the Salvador Dali Café, 155 Kent St., Charlottetown.  For our first event, the topic will be “Does Morality Depend on God?” with speaker Dr. Peter Koritansky.  For updates, follow us on Facebook at Theology on Tap PEI.

Martha Spirituality Centre offering: Indigenous Teachings Book Study of “The Berry Pickers” by Amanda Peters.  Monday, February 3, 3:00 – 4:30 pm (AT) Online. Facilitated by Donna McGreal. To Register and receive Zoom link, email concernedlaycatholics@gmail.com.

The St. Francis of Assisi Valentine Coffee Party will  take place this year on Saturday, February 8, 9:30 am to 11:30 am in the St. Francis of Assisi church hall in Cornwall. Delicious baked goods, fruit salad, basket draws, bake table, door prizes.  Bring your valentine, friends, relatives! For tickets email e.black@pei.sympatico.ca  or call 902 569 9124 (Elaine).