Creating a Safe Church Environment

March 2, 2020

Good Day Trusted Parish Volunteer,

The Diocese of Charlottetown is using to offer a training course for our Responsible Ministry Program online for your convenience.

The course is titled Protecting Our Young and Vulnerable: Creating a Safe Church Environment

Follow these easy steps to complete your Diocese of Charlottetown safety training requirements:

Using your web browser, go to the SafeFaith website for Diocese of Charlottetown:

Enter your Username that you recieved through e-mail or from your parish office.

Watch the videos and answer the questions as they are presented.

Thanks for making Diocese of Charlottetown a safer place to work and learn.

You may click on this image to go straight to the log in page

The safety of everyone in our Catholic Parishes is of utmost importance. That’s why the Diocese of Charlottetown is pleased to offer this Online Training Course. We hope you’ll find this 42-minute program to be informative and helpful in maintaining a safe environment for everyone in your Parish/Pastoral Unit.