Monday, March 25th, the Mass of Chrism was celebrated at the Cathedral Basilica of St. Dunstan in Charlottetown. The principal celebrant was His Excellency, Bishop Joseph Dabrowski CSMA, the Ordinary of the Diocese of Charlottetown.
During the Mass, the Bishop consecrates the Holy Chrism and blesses the other oils, and manifests the communion of Priests with their Bishop.
The Holy Chrism consecrated by the Bishop is used to anoint the newly-baptized, to seal the faithful in Confirmation, and to anoint the hands of Priests and the heads of Bishops at their Ordination.
In addition, the Chrism is used in the rites associated with the dedication of churches and altars.
The Oil of Catechumens is used to bring strength to those preparing for Baptism.
The Oil of the Sick is used to bring comfort and support to the sick in their infirmity.
The participation of representatives from parishes throughout the Diocese displays the unity of the body of Christ which gathers to worship God in spirit and in truth.