Catholic women from across Prince Edward Island attended the Catholic Women’s League (CWL) 96th annual Provincial Convention in Charlottetown the first weekend in May.
Following some welcome and introductory comment/introductions by President Irene Gallant, a beautiful ceremony entitled the Crowning of Mary was held. Father Brian MacDougall, Spiritual Advisor, spoke about our theme “Inspired by the Spirit, Women respond to God’s Call”.
The first guest speaker was Sr. Phyllis Gallant, a retired teacher and Association Coordinator for the CND community for the Maritime Provinces. Referring to our theme, Sr. Phyllis focused on the Holy Spirit. She asked, “Who is the Holy Spirit? He is a real person equal in every way to the Father and Son. He came to fill our lives with love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, compassion, and caring.” Sr. Phyllis encouraged us to share stories with our children and grandchildren of how God has helped us in our lives.
Life member Judy Lewis talked about the Catholic Women’s Leadership Foundation which was established in 2014. Fourteen women have been selected by the Foundation for the first certificate program in Catholic Women’s Leadership. The evening ended with a spiritual exercise, a social time, with cake and refreshments being served.
Saturday morning Fr. Brian MacDougall during the spiritual opening talked about the Rosary, particularly the Luminous mysteries. Peter Mutch from Catholic Family Services Bureau updated the members on the special services provided by the bureau.
The business session began with members of the Executive giving highlights from their annual reports.
National President Margaret Ann Jacobs conducted an interactive presentation on Strategic Planning. She defined planning strategically as “a process for knowledge-based decision-making that aligns an organization’s activities with its purposes, values, goals, and visions of the future”. Members reviewed the draft strategic plan which is designed to move the CWL into the future.
At noon time, a delicious banquet was prepared and served by the staff of Rodd Royalty. Head table guests included Bishop Richard Greco, Knights of Columbus State Deputy, Jazz Poirier and wife Yvonne, National CWL President Margaret Ann Jacobs and women representatives from the Anglican, Presbyterian and United churches.
The afternoon session opened with a spiritual program, the Celebration of 2017 deceased CWL members. Individual memorial cards were presented to councils whose members had passed away throughout the past year. A donation will be given to Catholic Family Services as a living memorial for all the deceased CWL members.
Dr. Heather Keizer, Chief of Mental Health and Addictions for Health PEI spoke about Healthy Boundaries; Healthy Relationships. In her enlightening presentation Dr. Keizer encouraged members to do several things for healthy relationships: to evaluate yourself, your values, and what you want; set your communication priorities; prepare and set your intensity; practice communication with mindful empathy.
Life Member Marg Fitzpatrick entertained the members with wonderful stories from her collection. Proceeds from the Mass collection will be given to Catholic Missions in Canada. Anderson House will receive the funds amassed from the gift bag sale of tickets.
Fr. Brian MacDougall was the celebrant of the Mass and installed the new provincial executive.